The General Process of Conversion

God never ceases to bestow spiritual, psychological, and physical providence in His love, and grace and mercy flow from this love for us.

Here are some very general and practical ways to approach the Christian faith. None of these are hard and fast by any stretch but it may help one understand what a path to faith may look like. The whole of this site is dedicated to helping with growth toward/in the spiritual life. The Christian faith is more a mystery to be lived than a process to be worked on or a problem to be explained. However, one may say the journey is the whole point, always becoming who we were meant to be.

In order to begin growing as Christians, we must first assent to the tenets of the faith through the "illative sense".

When you have made this faith of others your own, continue to engage with God in prayer being wary of the forces in the world that would rather you not be Christian, the demonic, the culture, and even your own attachments to sin.

Seek a holy life.

Living a life enfolded in God's guidance, graces, and love experience perpetual access to many aspects of heaven and more as you grow, understanding all the time more of the lives of the Saints that gave and/or lived their lives for Christ with reckless abandon, will never cease to bring you happiness and peace as from no other source, in a lasting and deep way that cannot be beaten or matched.

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