Session 1


Water & Spirit


Water is mentioned 682 times in the NRSVCE Bible. The first time is in the second verse of Genesis


At the very dawn of creation

your Spirit breathed on the waters,

making them the wellspring of all holiness

8, 9:1-2, 8-14, 18-29 - Noah

The Earth is flooded and creation largely starts over as naturally as possible, to prune the corruption man was suffering. Where do we see the spirit and water again?

The waters of the great flood

you made a sign of the waters of Baptism,

that make an end of sin and a new beginning of goodness

You freed the children of Abraham from the slavery of Pharaoh,

bringing them dry-shod through the waters of the Red Sea,

to be an image of the people set free in Baptism.

Child Birth

What do we know of the natal state of man? Philosophically, man cannot begin as something that is not him but still no substantial change takes place to make him different from inside the womb to outside, only the accidental (nonsubstantial) change of location, size, where nutrition comes from, and many others. So we know that every human soul, to exist at all, must be given by God at the moment of conception. This goes back to Aquinas. 

Biologically, we know that after the zygote is made from the gametes of the parents, we have a human. Soon the newly conceived human implants in the mother's uterus and as it grows the fetal human will be protected by amniotic fluid, largely water.

Familiar image?

In addition to the trend of Water and Spirit being used to preceded life, we can also find what happens when life "runs down", when water runs out. It is interesting, that God provides this water. Later we will see that this "water outta nowhere" is a symbol of something deeper. We can also see a certain cleansing taking place in Israel as previously discussed. By removing/being removed from all of the worldly providences of Egypt, Israel is opened up better to receive the gifts of God, like this water and also the manna you may remember from other verses.

Meaning and takeaways